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Equality As A Standard.

Minimise hiring errors, secure top talent, and enhance diversity for organizational success.

Increasing diversity and equality with blind screening


Selected for the Katapult accelerator for impact startups.

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Extreme tech challenge finalist in 2022

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Nordic startup awards Finalist 2022 and 2023
she awards
Winner of SHE conference pitching contest in 2020


Testhub has assisted Malling & Co Forvaltning AS with several hires of Operations Managers. Testhub ensures that all candidates are treated equally and given equal opportunities in the hiring process. Testhub is an important contributor to our work to comply with the anti-discrimination legislation in Norway.– Albregt Moltumyr, Technical Director

Revolutionize Recruitment.

A do it yourself recruitment tool based on 100 years of science.

Automate and anonimyze

Get an automated rating of all candidates based on their likelihood of success. Test candidates for traits that matter for work performance, and ensure everyone gets fair treatment with blind screening.

A candidate doing a test
Testhub SAP Team Tailor Logos

Effortless integration.

Easily integrate to your standard recruitment tool. Available in SAP Success Factors and TeamTailor.

quick action

Speed up your recruitment and reduce repetitive tasks.

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Ensure fair treatment of all candidates

Ensure Compliance

Ensure your recruitment process is up to date with local equal opportunity laws

Stay tuned &
Make equality your standard.

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